> collaborations

> Asociated Professor of the Architectural Constructions Departament, teaching the subject Construction II. E.T.S.A. Sevilla. 1995-97.
> Asociated Professor of History, Theory and Architectural Composition, teaching the subject Contemporary History since 1997-98 y Final Projects since 2001-02 . E.T.S.A. Sevilla.
> Summer Workshop Professor: Almeria: Urban and city project. Director: Antonio González Cordón. University of Almeria. 2001.
> Invited Professor for the 13th Architectural International Week. Nancy College of Architecture (France) 2006.
> Invited Professor for the 1st y 2nd Gardening, Landscape and Public Spaces Master Edition
University of Granada. 2005-2006.
> Invited Professor for the VII Mastery in Renewable Energy, Architecture and Urban studies.
The Sustainable City. UNIA La Rabida headquarters (Huelva). 2005.
> Invited Professor to the “Sequences from the cities” Courses: Intervention in Historic Andalusian Cities.
UNIA Antonio Machado headquarters, Baeza (Jaén). 2008.
> Co-Director of the Universitary Master Studies in desing ‘Design for Society’. University of Pablo de Olavide (Seville), in collaboration with the Glasgow Polytechnic and the Glasgow School of Arts. 1st Edition, 2003.
> Co-Director in the Summer Courses in ETSA Seville and Cadiz Official College of Architecture.
Since 2003.
> Co-Director in the VI Congress DoCoMoMo IBÉRICO or ‘RENOVATE YOU OR DIE’. DoCoMoMo Foundation. Cadiz. 2007.
> Co-Director in the series of conference‘ARGENTINIANS’. Cadiz Official College of Architecture. 2006.
> Co-Director in the series of conference ‘SOVIET ARCHITECTURE’.Cadiz Official College of Architecture. 2006.
> Invited Professor in the three editions of Heritage and Architectural Masterly, University of Seville.
Historic Andalusian Heritage Institute, 1995-2004.
> Course Group Tutor Program PAGUS: Rehabilitation of Historic Centres. Cadiz 2005.
> Invited Professor in the Italian-Spanish Seminary ‘Contemporary Architecture and Historic Heritage’. Granada. 2009.


> Organizer with Carlos Garcia Vazquez the exhibition and catalogue ‘MoMo Andalusia. Architecture of the Modern Andalusian Movement , 1925-1965’. General Goverment of Architecture and Housing, Junta de Andalucia, Historical Andalusian Heritage Institute. Seville, 1.999.
> Organizer of the travelled show ‘Thinking about the House. The single-family house in Cadiz. 1975-2000’, Province of Cadiz, C.O.A.A.O. 2000. Cadiz, San Roque, Conil de la Frontera.
Research WorkTeam Member of the exhibition: INDUSTRIAL DESING IN ANDALUCIA: AUTHOR PIECES. (1920-1999, Organized by General Goverment of Architecture and Housing. Junta de Andalucia. June 2000.
> Research WorkTeam Member about Urban areas recycling, a sustainable alternative, directed by Elisa Valero Ramos. 2008-2009.
Stand set up of the Andalusian Candidature as Congress Venue during UIA 2008. Berlín, ICC. 2002.
> Research WorkTeam Member HUM 666. Catalogue of Peripheral Architecture. Revision of P.G.M.O.U. Seville. 2002. Colonization Villages in Andalusia.
> Secretary of the Meeting ‘News challenge in Territorial and Urban regulation PGOU Sevilla’ UIMP, Seville, 2002.
> Secretary of ‘Journal of History’, History, Theory and Composition Departament. ETSA Sevilla, 2000-2003.
> Editorial Staff Member of ‘Boletín PH’.
Andalusian Histórical Heritage Institute. Beginning 1.993.
> Scientific Committee Member of the 2nd Seminary DoCoMoMo Ibérico, Seville, 1.999.
> Scientific Committee Member of the 2nd Seminary DoCoMoMo Ibérico. Counting and analysis the environmental impact in the metropolitan area of Sevilla. Iniciatives for refuses recycling".
> Research work for the Town planning Departament in the University of Sevilla: Architecture studio connects to Jerez wine: territory, historicals and constructives aspects .1.993-1.995.
> Research fellowship for C.O.A.A.O, Cádiz Office, for the historical and constructive analysis of the region wineries, with the offer of publication: ”The architecture of wine in Jerez framework”. 1.993.
> Collaboration in development of the Information Area of Architectural Properties. Culture Departament. Junta de Andalucia. IAPH. 1.994.
> Collaboration in development of Real Estates Sectorial Planing. Culture Departament. Junta de Andalucia. IAPH. 1995-96.
> Research Fellow in Historical Heritage Documentation Area (Real Estates Area), I.A.P.H. 1.993.